Apache ant build.xml does not exist ubuntu
Apache ant build.xml does not exist ubuntu

apache ant build.xml does not exist ubuntu

: Project jetty-plus (in module jetty) failed : Project jetty (in module jetty) success The script outputs who built the war file, the date that the war file was built, and the time that the war file was built.The following 2 notifys should have been sent The manifest tag allows data to be written to the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file within the war file. This exclude task isn't really necessary but it does prevent an Ant warning message. The exclude tag excludes WEB-INF/web.xml from the fileset since it is handled by the war task's webxml attribute. Since the lib directory is in WEB-INF in our project, we don't need to add anything else to copy any jar W files into our war file, since the fileset tag takes care of lib for us given this project's structure. The fileset tag specifies the other files that should be placed in the war file. Within the war task, the classes tag specifies the location of our project's Java S W classes to be placed in the war file.

apache ant build.xml does not exist ubuntu

The webxml attribute specifies where our web.xml W to be used is located. The warfile attribute of the war task specifies the path and file name of the war file to create. The war task actually makes our war file. The delete task deletes the war file if it already exists. The mkdir task makes the directory to hold our war file if it doesn't already exist. The "war" target consists of 3 tasks: mkdir, delete, and war. In this build.xml file, we don't have any other targets. Here, you can specify other targets that should be run before the "war" target is run. Notice that there is a 'depends' attribute. A target is an action that we'd like to carry out, and this action can be made up of multiple sub-actions, known as tasks. This project consists of only one target.

apache ant build.xml does not exist ubuntu

The 'default' attribute specifies that the "war" target is the default target to run if the script is invoked (although you can invoke any target). A property is essentially a variable, and we have several properties defined at the top of the file. Notice that references are expressed using $ expression language. This value is used to set the 'project-name' property. The name of the project is specified as an attribute of the project tag. This tutorial will walk through this file and how to run the file in Eclipse S W. The build.xml Ant S W script shown below builds a war W file for the 'tomcat-demo' project.

Apache ant build.xml does not exist ubuntu